Friday, May 22, 2020

Qué es aviso NOA1 y NOA2 en peticiones de green card

Los ciudadanos estadounidenses y los residentes permanentes legales que patrocinan la tarjeta de residencia a un familiar –green card, por su nombre en inglà ©s– recibirà ¡n a lo largo de la tramitacià ³n dos cartas conocidas respectivamente como NOA1 y NOA2. Dichas cartas tambià ©n las recibirà ¡n los ciudadanos estadounidenses que solicitan una visa K-1 para sus prometidos. Este artà ­culo explica la diferencia entre ambas notificaciones y por quà © es importante entender su significado y guardarlas en un lugar seguro. Quà © es el NOA1 o Aviso 797-C NOA son las siglas en inglà ©s de Notice of Action, lo que puede traducirse como nota o aviso de accià ³n. USCIS envà ­a la carta NOA1 al patrocinador de una visa K-1 o de una tarjeta de residencia a un familiar para notificarle que el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) ha recibido la peticià ³n y que los formularios està ¡n debidamente firmados y la tarifa ha sido cobrada. Si el patrocinador incluyà ³ el formulario G-1145 con el paquete de la solicitud de la visa K-1 o de la tarjeta de residencia lo mà ¡s probable es que antes de recibir el aviso NOA1 reciba un email o un mensaje de texto confirmando haber recibido el paquete de la peticià ³n. Por otro lado, el patrocinador recibirà ¡ este mismo tipo de comunicacià ³n, es decir, una carta de aviso NOA1, conocida tambià ©n como I-797 C para comunicar que la presentacià ³n de la solicitud ha sido rechazada porque no se ha pagado la correspondiente tarifa, los formularios no està ¡n correctamente firmados o por cualquier otra causa. Alternativamente, el patrocinador puede recibir una carta I-797 C para notificà ¡rsele el envà ­o de la peticià ³n a otra oficina o para notificar al beneficiario citacià ³n para la toma de datos biomà ©tricos, cita para entrevista o reapertura de un caso de migracià ³n. Cuando la carta de aviso NOA1 notifica al patrocinador que los documentos han sido recibidos por USCIS y que se ha procedido al cobro de la tarifa es importante entender que en ese momento todavà ­a no se ha aprobado la peticià ³n de la green card. Sin embargo, esa carta es importante por otras razones. En primer lugar, contiene un nà ºmero conocido en inglà ©s como track number con el cual se puede verificar por internet el estatus del caso. Ademà ¡s, la carta NOA1 seà ±ala la fecha exacta en la que se recibià ³ la documentacià ³n, conocido en inglà ©s como received date. Esa fecha se convertirà ¡ en el NOA2 en la fecha de prioridad en el caso de tarjetas de residencia sujetas a cupos anuales. Es decir, aquellas en las que es necesario esperar por una visa de inmigrante disponible en la categorà ­a para la que se pide la green card. Esto es: todas las peticiones de residentes permanentes y, ademà ¡s, las solicitudes de residencia presentadas por ciudadanos estadounidenses para sus hijos solteros mayores de 21 aà ±os, casados de cualquier edad y hermanos. Finalmente, puede decirse con carà ¡cter general que la carta NOA1 se recibe aproximadamente a las dos semanas de haber enviado a USCIS el paquete de la solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia. Quà © es el aviso NOA2 El NOA2, que tambià ©n se conoce como I-797, notifica que la peticià ³n ha sido aprobada. El tiempo que pasa entre NOA1 y NOA2 varà ­a segà ºn el la categorà ­a de la peticià ³n. En las mà ¡s rà ¡pidas, como la peticià ³n de ciudadano a cà ³nyuge, puede demorarse entre cuatro y seis meses. En los demà ¡s casos, se recomienda verificar los tiempos de tramitacià ³n segà ºn oficina y tipo de peticià ³n. Ademà ¡s, si han transcurrido mà ¡s de seis meses desde la recepcià ³n de NOA1 y no se tiene notifica de USCIS puede preguntarse por el caso directamente llamando al servicio de migracià ³n al nà ºmero gratuito 1-800-375-5283. Se puede marcar de lunes a viernes de 8am a 8pm o sà ¡bado de 9am a 5pm en cada huso horario. En casos muy excepcionales se puede producir un retraso del USCIS que es mà ¡s grande de lo habitual para un tipo de trà ¡mites. En estos casos, consultar con un abogado para analizar si procede demandar mediante un writ of mandamus. Cabe destacar que recibir la carta de NOA2 no quiere decir necesariamente que la green card se va a aprobar, solo que la fase inicial -hay realmente situacià ³n de parentesco para pedir la residencia- ha sido aprobada. Tampoco quiere decir que ya se acabà ³ el proceso, sino que se pasarà ¡ a la fase de ajuste de estatus si la persona para la que se ha pedido la tarjeta de residencia està ¡ ya en Estados Unidos y puede hacerlo. Si el beneficiario de la peticià ³n se encuentra fuera de Estados Unidos, USCIS enviarà ¡ la documentacià ³n al Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) quien se comunicarà ¡ con el patrocinador y el beneficiario. Dependiendo de la categorà ­a de la peticià ³n, la demora del Centro Nacional de Visas en contactar con patrocinador y beneficiario puede ser de aà ±os. Se recomienda consultar el boletà ­n de visas que actualiza cada mes el Departamento de Estado para familiarizarse con los tiempos de espera.  ¿Quà © pasa si se extravà ­a el NOA2? Si segà ºn el rà ©cord del USCIS el documento fue enviado pero se extravià ³ por correo o se recibià ³ pero por alguna razà ³n se guardà ³ pero no se encuentra es posible pedir un duplicado del mismo llenando la planilla I-824.  ¿Quà © es el aviso I-797E? No debe confundirse los avisos I-797C –NOA1– o el I-797 –NOA2– con el I-797E. Este à ºltimo aviso se conoce tambià ©n por sus iniciales en inglà ©s RFE, por request for evidence. USCIS puede enviar esta carta para solicitar informacià ³n o documentacià ³n adicional. Si se recibe este tipo de aviso es imprescindible responder dentro del plazo otorgado ya que de otra manera supondrà ­a que USCIS no va a aprobar la peticià ³n.  ¿Quà © pasa si la solicitud no es aprobada? USCIS puede negar una solicitud de residencia permanente para un familiar de ciudadano o de residente permanente o una peticià ³n de visa K-1 para prometido de ciudadano por diversas razones. En algunos casos, es posible apelar ante la Administrative Appeals Office, conocida como AAO por sus siglas en inglà ©s. La carta en la que USCIS rechaza la peticià ³n seà ±ala si esta opcià ³n es posible. Si no cabe esa posibilidad, podrà ­a calificarse para presentar una mocià ³n para reabrir el caso o una mocià ³n para reconsiderar. Finalmente, puede que USCIS deniegue un ajuste de estatus o una oficina consular una visa de inmigrante para la que USCIS previamente emitià ³ una NOA2 favorable. Las causas pueden ser muy diversas, como por ejemplo que el patrocinador carezca de ingresos suficientes para patrocinar y no cuenta con un co-patrocinador. Sin embargo, las causas mà ¡s frecuentes de denegacià ³n en la fase final de la tramitacià ³n es porque el beneficiario de la peticià ³n es considerado inadmisible para ingresar a EE.UU. En algunos de estos casos serà ¡ posible solicitar un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. Es recomendable contar siempre con la asesorà ­a de un abogado especialista en ese asunto en particular. Puntos clave: cartas de aviso NOA1 y NOA2 La NOA1 o I-797C confirma que USCIS ha recibido paquete de peticià ³n y cobrado tarifa para casos de residencia permanente o visa K-1 de prometido. Incluye nà ºmero de seguimiento de caso.USCIS tambià ©n puede utilizar el aviso I-797C para notificar rechazo de una peticià ³n, cita para entrevista o datos biomà ©tricos o traslado de expediente a otra oficina.NOA2 o I-797 notifica aprobacià ³n peticià ³n. Abre la segunda fase de la tramitacià ³n que tendrà ¡ lugar mediante un ajuste de EE.UU. o a travà ©s de un proceso consular.No confundir con I-797E, tambià ©n conocido como RFE. En este aviso USCIS solicita mà ¡s informacià ³n o documentacià ³n. Este artà ­culo es informacià ³n general. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Film Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep Essay - 1897 Words

Film Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep This film is much more than just an acceptable homage to Philip K Dick, author of many original science fiction novels, often laced with philosophical perspectives on reality and human dependencies. The book, published in 1968, deals with the very postmodern theme of cultural fatigue in relation to our humanity, of the essential human quality of empathy, its limits and its contrasts. Human beings remaining on Earth are propped up by dependence on artificial pets and their feelings towards one another is contrasted to explore the ironic nature of how we place our emotions in order to survive. This is the device and purpose of the concept of androids:†¦show more content†¦The distinction between the real and the simulated in our culture becomes blurred and deludes our natures, questioning the value of our natures in turn. The film, similarly, is one big test of empathy on the audience. It is highly self-conscious in this way; we are made to feel that we are watching a film, an d yet a film that throws doubts into all our expectations, especially that of the extent of our own emotional understanding. How much do we feel for Deckard or for Batty by the end and how is this relevant? Deckard at one point asks regarding a replicant How can it not know what it is? The Replicants are an essential premise, for once we begin to replace aspects of our humanity to such a degree, what is left of the human or at least the value of a humans life? Where everything is thrown into doubt, one answer might simply be more delusion in a world of delusions and yet also of (pure unicorn) dreams. We have the eyeball at the beginning, staring out at the darkness of an exaggerated city-scape. It is very relevant to our modern, technological age, when William Gibsons cyberpunk book Neuromancer had emerged and our relationship with our advanced technology forces us to re-assess and re-exert our own natures. The film is multi-layered; thrilling and unsettling, part dark science ficti on and detective film noir,Show MoreRelatedBlade Runner Versus Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep1602 Words   |  7 PagesRunner versus Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?†¦and the stupidity of comparing the two. So, motherfucking Blade Runner. This piece of fucking cinematic masterpiece was supposedly  inspired by the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) written by author Philip  K. Dick who was a literal dick I mean he was a piece of shit. Here s the thing though: I think it’s pretty fuckin stupid to compare Blade Runner and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? because theyRead More Comparing Ridley Scotts Blade Runner and Philip K. Dicks Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?1579 Words   |  7 PagesComparing Ridley Scotts Blade Runner and Philip K. Dicks Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? How do we know that we are human and, if we are human, what does it mean to be human? These two philosophical inquiries are explored in great depth in Ridley Scotts film Blade Runner, and of course the text of Philip K. Dicks wonderful novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? on which the film is based. Most would agree that these themes exist in the novel, but a handful of critics and academicsRead MoreRay Bradbury s Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep1611 Words   |  7 Pagesengage readers by adding deeper meaning and employing literary devices. A highly regarded Science Fiction novelist should reimagine the text with a dignified Science Fiction illustrator in order to recreate Phillip K. Dick’s novella Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? as a graphic novel, creating a new experience in the novel and facilitating in bridging the gap between science fiction and graphic novels. Prospective Adapter The adapter for this project must currently write in the science fictionRead MoreDo Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?1829 Words   |  8 Pagessocial setting. Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? as well as the movie inspired by the book, Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, explores the human-like nature of rogue Nexus-6 androids and the way they attempt to assimilate into society as well as their abilities that distinguish them from humans. Although the prime method of distinguishing androids from humans is detecting their lack of empathy, both the novel and film demonstrate that androids possess an equal, sometimes greaterRead More Comparison of The Matrix and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?1959 Words   |  8 PagesComparison of The Matrix and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Andy and Larry Wachowskis movie, The Matrix parallels many of the characters and themes that are explored in Philip K. Dicks novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. There are five main characters or groups of people that are explored in Dicks novel. First, Morpheus, the leader of the unplugged individuals, emulates the role that the Rosen Association plays. Next, Cypher, an underhanded man, who is comparable to RachelRead MorePhilip K. Dick: One of the More Prolific Science Fiction Writers of the 20th Century 1782 Words   |  8 Pagestranslated well onto the big screen, as at last count, nearly ten of his novels and short stories have been adapted into films. Several of these films have garnered critical acclaim for both their movie credentials and use of source material. Blade Runner, originally released in 1982 and based off a 1968 novel entitled Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? along with A Scanner Darkly, a 2006 film based off a book of the same name released in 1977, are two such examples. They provide an excellent base to compareRead MoreDo Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?1798 Words   |  8 Pagesotherwise he would not.. Similarly , based on this ideal of existence, many popular mainstream films, such as â€Å"The Matrix,† by Andy and Lana Wachowski, and â€Å"Inception,† by Christopher Nolan were produced. The mission objective is to determine what reality is and whether or not what humans perceive as their experiences is, in fact, reality, which cannot be determined The novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was published in 1968 by Philip K. Dick. Set in post-apocalyptic Earth, the novel followsRead MoreThe Between Religion And Science1651 Words   |  7 Pagesthat by being so consumed by it or self-dependent on it, that it can in fact negatively affect spirit or ethics. A work of Science Fiction has the capability to translate concerns that are religious or spiritual. The Machine Stops, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and Blade Runner all translate concerns that relate to religion and technology and how they demand a enormous dependence on them to live day to day. There is an implied dependence on a technological system or appliance that is equalRead MoreCharacteristics Of Dystopias888 Words   |  4 Pagesopposite. The creators of the dystopias mimic many of the themes of their current day totalitarian governments and portray it into a format that can be looked upon by people into the future. Both the dystopic novels, Fahrenheit 451, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, abide to these close characteristics. Dystopias illustrate what†¯many writers and story tellers strive to create in an enclosed community by portraying the citizens life being communal, suppression of knowledge, and implications of violenceRead MoreBlade Runner Film Analysis800 Words   |  4 PagesBlade Runner: Film Analysis and Critics Review Blade Runner (1982), directed by Ridley Scott, combines the element, film noir and science fiction, thus creating a outstanding visual aesthetic that has been embraced by most critics. Based on Philip K. Dick’s novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968), many critics embraced this sci- fi film, although it leaves out a majority of the novel’s plot and themes while scenes are modified significantly. The plot follows police officer Rick Deckard

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Neonatal Nursing Free Essays

Nursery/Neonatal Nurse Chamberlain College of Nursing Nursery Nursing A Nursery Nurse is a nurse who provides medical care for newborns and infants. Although they usually work in hospital nurseries, some work in outpatient care centers or private residences, providing in-home care for sick infants. Nursery nurses can also be categorized as neonatal (newborn) or pediatric nurses, depending on the age group they serve. We will write a custom essay sample on Neonatal Nursing or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nursery Nurses may have a different title but perform many of the same duties as RNs and LPNs, including: administering treatments, medications, tests, and procedures, assisting physicians, creating or updating patient care plans, maintaining patient records and other duties but this all depends on the nursery level in which they work. I would like to be a nursery/neonatal nurse because I love working with newborns, I want to be challenged in my career, and I want to have a rewarding/successful profession. I would love to become a Nursery/neonatal nurse. I love newborns, they are little bundles of joy and I can be trusted to care for them. It’s not an easy job as some people would think. Not all babies come out â€Å"healthy† some are born with defects and need special care and that’s where we come in. Before this class I just knew I wanted to be a nurse but I was lost with finding which nursing role was for me. I went through six different nurse titles and I believe this one suits me the best. Now that I know what kind of nurse I want to be I can make sure I’m taking all the right classes and working harder to become a nursery nurse. Becoming a Nursery Nurse takes training, experience and education. You would need working knowledge of health and safety, good communication skills, ability to work with a team, NNEB, CACHE level 3, NVQ level 2/3 or equivalent, previous experience working within a similar environment and a little bit more. You have to ask yourself am I physical, emotional and spiritual prepared to care for children, can I distract them during unpleasant procedures. I have asked myself these questions and I am ready to care for others children. As I have said before this role is not easy and it will challenge me to become a great Nursery Nurse to take great care of newborns. More advanced roles will usually require additional training and/or experience. There is an organization called NHS employing organizations that may provide support to nursery assistants and nursery nurses, working towards relevant qualifications. Becoming a Nursery Nurse is rewarding because considering that newborns don’t talk, their non-verbal signs need to be decoded by nursing professionals. To me this is an important skill because if we don’t know what the babies need we can’t take care of them. They can identify and interpret signs babies display, because of alterations in their health, and proper care can be delivered and shared with family members. Understanding of the child’s pain or other behaviors can be transmitted to the family members. I can imagine how these nurses feel knowing that they’re making the babies healthy and happy. Nursery nursing care is an interactional process of three channels: it involves interactions between the professional/newborn and professional/newborn and family (Pinheiro EM, Siiva MJP, Angelo A, Ribeiro CA). Although the work is non-stop according to payscale. om (2010) â€Å"the average salary with an advanced degree is $80,000†. It couldn’t get any better when you love going to work every day and getting paid a good amount of money while doing it. Nursing is a great career to invest in if you love helping people. I love helping people but I would prefer to work with babies because they are helpless and need peo ple like me who are dedicated to only them. I will stay in school and get the best education I can to advance in my career. I feel this profession will fulfill my dreams and I will have a rewarding career. References Caleeda (2007). Nursery nurse. From http://www. caleeda. co. uk/page24/page32/page32. html Crown copyright. NURSERY NURSE AND NURSERY ASISTANT. (2006) http://www. nhscareers. nhs. uk/explore-by-career/wider-healthcare-team/careers-in-the-wider-healthcare-team/corporate-services/nursery-nursenursery-assistant/ Pinheiro, E. , Silva, M. , Angelo, M. , ; Ribeiro, C. (2008). The meaning of interaction between nursing professionals and newborns/families in a hospital setting. Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem (RLAE), 16(6), 1012-1018. . How to cite Neonatal Nursing, Essay examples